
A Medley of Moments

Never again?

What is going on?  A terrorist group massacres 1,400 Israelis on a single day, in the most vicious, cruel, inhumane ways, including women, children and the elderly and rallies across the world are celebrating the terrorists. In case you haven’t heard, on the morning of Oct. 7, terrorists infiltrated numerous towns in southern Israel, setting…

Waving hello from 1967

When one of my cousins on my dad’s side of the family sent a group email with a link to a video from his parents’ 1967 wedding, I looked for familiar relatives as I watched the video, which was only two minutes and 13 seconds long. In the video, a brunette woman in a blue…

A new driver in the family

The other day when heading to the mailbox, I saw one of my neighbors with his two children, one who was driving in his little orange car and the other being pulled in another mini-car with a handle attached. We said hello and I told the older boy what a cool car he had. As…

On to 2023 and to something new

I’d been considering starting a new blog in 2023 – with a plan to post everyday but also include excerpts from my past blogs. After receiving a notification about an email from Jeff Goins with the subject line “I’m quitting blogging (and almost everything else),” I learned about Substack. I’ve been reading his articles off…

Highlights of 2022 so far

How can we already be at the highlight reel of 2022? Time is flying so much more quickly now at this stage of life that I’m trying to keep up. We still have about a month and a half left of this year, but I thought I’d catch up since I haven’t posted here much…

Overturning Roe vs. Wade and a lack of empathy

The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade feels like punch to the gut. To the generations who grew up after the 1973 decision that protected a pregnant woman’s choice to have an abortion, it feels like a right for a woman to choose what happens with her body was shockingly snatched away this…

52 songs in 2021

Before we move ahead any further into 2022, I just wanted to mention a project that I worked on in 2021. I went into great detail about it in my other blog “My Songwriting Journey,” but since many moments in 2021 were spent working on it, I wanted to include it here as well. The…

Traveling with dogs in Tucson

At the beginning of winter break, we decided to take a little trip from Phoenix to Tucson as we had never traveled there as a family before. However, because we’ve only had our dogs for about three months, we weren’t ready to leave them with anyone yet so we decided to take them with us.…

Memories of ‘Little House’

When I was in elementary school, I loved the “Little House” series by Laura Ingalls Wilder and regularly watched the related TV show, “Little House on the Prairie.” My friends and I would play it during recess and I also re-enacted scenes at home with my younger sister. I was always Laura. Despite my love…

A bar mitzvah during a pandemic

We took many things for granted at our oldest son’s bar mitzvah, which was back in November 2019. He read from the Torah during an afternoon Shabbat service followed by Havdalah, where all the youth present were invited up on the bimah with glowsticks – unmasked. Family members from California, Vancouver, Nevada, Texas and New…


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